Tracie Crites Named to 2024 Channel Chiefs List

Breach Secure Now’s Chief Channel Officer Tracie Crites has been named to CRN’s Channel Chiefs List for 2024!

BSN is thrilled to announce that Tracie has been recognized and named to CRN’s prestigious Channel Chiefs list for 2024. This acknowledgment underscores Tracie Crites’ outstanding leadership, influence, innovation, and growth within the IT channel. Additionally, it emphasizes our commitment to strengthening our relationship with our partners in the MSP community.

CRN’s Channel Chiefs list, released annually, is a testament to individuals who drive strategy and shape the channel agenda for their respective companies. Tracie Crites’ inclusion on this list reflects her dedication and contributions to the IT channel vendor and distribution sectors. 

“We applaud Tracie and her efforts for this well-deserved honor,” said Art Gross, CEO at Breach Secure Now. “We are excited to see how her role as the Chief Channel Officer solidifies and grows the relationship with our team and the MSP community. ” 

For more information on how to become a part of the Breach Secure Now partner community, contact us today!

The post Tracie Crites Named to 2024 Channel Chiefs List appeared first on Breach Secure Now!.

The post Tracie Crites Named to 2024 Channel Chiefs List appeared first on IPM Computers LLC.



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