
Showing posts from October, 2023

Recognizing and Defending Against Deepfake Scams

Image Small businesses, just like large corporations, can fall victim to deceptive tactics. If you haven’t yet heard about deepfake, read on and explore what these scams are and learn practical tips on how to recognize and defend against them. It is important to know in order to protect yourself and safeguard your business’s reputation and finances. What is a Deepfake Scam? A deepfake is a type of synthetic (made-up) media where artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies are used to manipulate or generate content, typically in the form of images, audio, or videos. Deepfake scams involve using these techniques to create fake content that is designed to deceive individuals, including employees, customers, or even business partners. Here are a few common types of deepfake scams: Fake CEO/CFO Videos: Scammers create videos that appear to feature high-level executives within your company reques

20 Years of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Image National Cybersecurity Awareness Month ( NCSAM ) has come a long way since its inception in 2004. Over the past two decades, it has evolved into a vital campaign with a crucial role in educating and empowering individuals and organizations. This is especially true for small businesses. Let’s take a closer look at the 20 years of NCSAM and explore its profound impact on small businesses. The Beginning of NCSAM In October 2004, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) joined forces to launch the first-ever National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The primary objective was to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and provide resources to help individuals and organizations protect their digital assets. Impact on Businesses Education and Awareness NCSAM has been instrumental in creating awareness for small business owners and their

A Guide to Cybersecurity Risk Assessments Cybersecurity is a top priority for organizations of all sizes and across all industries. With the ever-increasing sophistication of cyber threats, businesses must effectively manage their cybersecurity risks. We aim to demystify the process of conducting cybersecurity risk assessments, providing organizations with invaluable insights into identifying vulnerabilities, assessing potential impacts, and implementing effective risk mitigation strategies. Understanding the elements of a thorough cybersecurity risk assessment, you can fortify the defenses against malicious actors and ensure the protection of sensitive data and critical assets. Understanding the Importance of Risk Assessments Conducting thorough cybersecurity risk assessments allows organizations to identify vulnerabilities and assess potential impacts, providing valuable insights into their overall security posture. Identifying these risks helps businesses prioritize resources

Recognizing and Avoiding Text Phishing Scams

Image Phishing scams have become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. One form that has gained traction is text phishing, or “smishing” (SMS phishing). This involves sending fraudulent text messages with the intent to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive personal information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers. These messages often appear legitimate, urging recipients to take urgent action or click on malicious links. Understanding Text Phishing Text phishing operates on the same principles as email phishing , but instead of using email as a medium, scammers employ text messages to trick unsuspecting individuals. These messages typically include: Urgency or Threats : Messages create a sense of urgency, implying consequences if immediate action isn’t taken. For example, they may claim that an account will be suspended or legal action will be taken if the reci

The Correlation Between Outdated Systems and Downtime Businesses rely heavily on their computer systems to efficiently carry out day-to-day operations. However, it is not uncommon for companies to cling onto outdated systems that have long surpassed their prime. While these legacy systems may still manage to perform basic functions, they pose a significant risk – frequent system downtime. Below, we delve into the correlation between outdated systems and downtime, highlighting the potential consequences of neglecting technological upgrades and emphasizing the importance of keeping up with ever-evolving digital landscapes for optimal business performance. Legacy Systems: A Risky Proposition Legacy systems, referring to outdated computer systems, can pose a risky proposition for businesses. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, relying on legacy systems that have surpassed their prime can hinder efficiency and productivity. One of the main risks associated with these outdated sys

MGM Data Breach: A Reminder for Personal Cybersecurity

Image Technology permeates almost every aspect of our lives, and the security of our personal information is more crucial than ever. Recently the MGM data breach that was reported reminds us that we must proactively safeguard our sensitive data, for no entity can guarantee foolproof protection. According to the Reuters article, MGM, a renowned hospitality and entertainment company, anticipates that a cybersecurity incident will negatively impact its third-quarter earnings. This breach serves as a reminder that businesses, regardless of their size or reputation, can fall victim to cyber-attacks, potentially exposing customer data. In light of this breach, it’s crucial to emphasize that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. While companies must implement robust security measures and adhere to stringent privacy standards, individuals must also play an active role in protecting their data . Understanding t