
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Importance of Ongoing Engagement & Marketing

Image As a managed service provider (MSP), your clients rely on you to keep their systems secure and running smoothly. However, it’s not enough to just provide your clients with a set-it-and-forget-it security solution. You need to create ongoing engagement and marketing to educate them on the importance of cybersecurity. And you need to maintain their interest. But you’re busy running your business , and marketing is something you’ll ‘get to when you can get to it’ right? So how can you create awareness of cybersecurity for your clients while also keeping them engaged through ongoing marketing efforts? Make It a Priority One of the best ways to create awareness of cybersecurity is to make it a priority in all communications with clients. This means discussing cybersecurity at the start of the relationship, during regular check-ins, and when new threats arise. Be proactive in educating your clie

Mental Health Data for Sale

Image Mental health is for many reasons, a deeply personal and sensitive topic. It is something that many people are not comfortable discussing with even their closest confidants. Finding a trusted professional to help navigate these waters is invaluable. Online resources that include on-demand options continue to expand. This provides individuals with new ways to access treatment that is life-changing. With the advent of online offerings and the proliferation of digital technology, mental health data is collected in new ways. And it has become a commodity that is being sold by data brokers on the dark web. This is a concerning development and one that is raising questions about the ethics of data collection, privacy, and the role of technology in our lives. What Are Data Brokers? Data brokers are companies that collect, analyze, and sell data to other companies for marketing and adve

Beware of Romance Scams

Image ‘Tis the season for love. And with it comes the opportunity for cybercriminals to pitch their romance scams. Millions of people fall victim to these fraudulent schemes every year. In a romance scam, a person posing as a potential romantic partner uses online dating websites, social media platforms, or other online channels to build a relationship with their target, gain their trust, and ultimately trick them into sending money or personal information. While anyone can fall prey to a romance scam, the risks are particularly high for people who are looking for love online. And at this time of year, you’re reminded of how “important” it is to be in a relationship through marketing. In many cases, scammers will create fake profiles. This includes using pictures of attractive people, and crafting elaborate stories to win over their targets. They may even spend weeks or months building a relation

How to Choose the Right Managed Services Provider With rapidly changing technologies and ever-growing businesses, the need for managed service providers has risen exponentially. A managed services provider is an IT vendor that provides proactive and comprehensive management of technologies, processes, and technical support. Choosing the right Managed Services Provider (MSP) is a critical step toward maintaining the success and longevity of your business. With the help of an MSP, businesses can access the right skills, experience, and knowledge to manage their IT infrastructure and applications. When selecting an MSP, organizations should evaluate multiple providers and compare them against one another on various criteria, such as cost, the scope of services, processes, and technologies. It is also important to verify the provider’s qualifications and experience and ensure they can deliver results that meet the business’s needs. The right MSP can help companies maximize efficiency and opti