
The Impressive Impact of AI in Action

The consulting firm PwC rolled out ChatGPT to all of their employees. The goal was to use the tools on themselves before helping clients implement Generative AI tools. The results are impressive. The results can be transformative when you provide people with the latest technology tools, the skills and guardrails to use them responsibly, and the power to innovate and reinvent how they get work done. Across their business , they’ve found that people who regularly use the tools demonstrate productivity gains of 20% to 40%. With time saved, they’re able to focus on more strategic work and bring more value to clients. A Look at the Numbers Finance Their finance department saw productivity gains of 20% to 40% in accounting and tax processes, thanks to specialized GenAI tools. These tools speed up data analysis, document summarization and generation, and chat-based Q&A. For instance, one GenAI tool allows them to create first drafts of new contracts and extract key informatio

IT Systems That Keep Up with Your Business

Small businesses and startups must identify IT solutions that not only meet their immediate needs but also have the capability to evolve with their growth trajectory. Scalable IT infrastructure involves investing in technology that can expand in capacity or functionality without necessitating a complete overhaul, thus avoiding workflow disruptions and additional costs.  For startups in South Carolina and across the US, this means selecting versatile platforms that allow for incremental enhancements. For example, cloud services offer scalability, where you can adjust your data storage and processing power as needed. Another key measure might include adopting Software as a Service (SaaS) models, which can readily adapt to an increasing user base without significant downtime.  Engaging with IT professionals who have experience managing growth can give startups a competitive edge. They can provide valuable perspectives on optimizing IT architectures for flexibility, such as virtualizat

Unveiling AI Training: A New Era for MSPs

BSN is excited to introduce a groundbreaking suite of AI training courses designed specifically for MSPs to offer to their SMB clients. This initiative promises to revolutionize how MSPs and their clients approach cybersecurity and productivity, leveraging the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Why AI? Why Now? The advent of AI technology is not just a fleeting trend; it is a pivotal shift reminiscent of the technological revolutions that have shaped our history. Much like the introduction of calculators enhanced our ability to solve complex mathematical problems, AI has the potential to significantly augment our capabilities. MSPS must stay ahead of the curve, not only to remain competitive but to provide unparalleled value to their clients. The Role of MSPs in the AI Revolution MSPs are uniquely positioned to lead this AI revolution. By integrating AI tools into their service offerings, they can enhance their clients’ operations, improve security measure

Security Awareness & AI Training Reduces Breach Risk

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face unique challenges and opportunities today with the threat of cybercrime and the rise of artificial intelligence. Training employees in these domains is not just a matter of keeping up with trends; it’s a strategic move that can significantly impact your business’s success. The Importance of Cybersecurity Training Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and SMBs are often targeted because they typically have fewer resources to defend against attacks. According to a recent article by Forbes , 43% of small businesses are targeted when it comes to cybercrime. Despite this, many remain underprepared, lacking the necessary knowledge and tools to protect their business. Why Cybersecurity Training is Crucial: Risk Mitigation: Training employees in cybersecurity best practices can drastically reduce the risk of breaches. Educated staff can identify phishing attempts, use strong passwords, and follow secure protocols, thereby minimizing

Understanding Cybersecurity Hygiene and Its Impact on Your Business

Understanding the impact of cybersecurity hygiene is not just a precaution but a necessity. Cybersecurity hygiene refers to the fundamental practices and steps that organizations must undertake to maintain the health and security of their systems and data. Just like personal hygiene wards off infections and promotes overall health, cybersecurity hygiene prevents digital threats and intrusions from compromising business operations. With the integrity of your business at stake, it’s critical to recognize that cybersecurity is a strategic asset rather than an IT expense. The resilience of your company’s digital infrastructure is intrinsically linked to its overall performance and reputation. A breach can tarnish your brand, resulting in financial loss and reduced consumer confidence. Assessing the risks associated with inadequate cybersecurity practices is the first step in fortifying your digital fort. Businesses need to conduct comprehensive risk analyses to identify potential vulne

Breach Secure Now Unveils Revolutionary AI Training for Managed Service Providers

In an exciting development for the cybersecurity and productivity training industry, Breach Secure Now (BSN) has announced the launch of its new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Training platform. As a leader in innovative training solutions, BSN is poised to revolutionize how Managed Service Providers (MSPs) enhance their service offerings through the power of AI. Art Gross, CEO of Breach Secure Now , expressed his enthusiasm for this new venture, stating, “We are beyond excited to evolve the BSN Productivity Suite to include AI training for our partners and their clients. This new offering underscores our commitment to pioneering solutions that meet the global impact and evolution of Artificial Intelligence.” Tracie Crites, Chief Channel Officer , highlighted the company’s dedication to supporting MSPs, saying, “The MSP community deserves a vendor that stands by them, evolving and growing together through this technological generation. We are committed to providing our MSP partne

AI & MSPs: Defining Your Role in the AI Revolution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it’s a present-day reality transforming industries worldwide. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are uniquely positioned to lead this AI revolution, guiding small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) towards enhanced productivity, innovation, and competitive advantage. In our recent webinar , hosted by Art Gross, CEO, and Nicole Kurtz, Director of Product Marketing at Breach Secure Now, we delved into the critical role MSPs play in AI adoption and outlined a strategic roadmap for navigating this transformative journey. Generative AI and the Productivity Revolution Generative AI is redefining business operations by automating workflows, creating autonomous agents, and enhancing overall productivity. Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, highlights this potential by stating, “A team of a few thousand can perform like a team of 100,000!” Popular platforms such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Canva are already amplifying hum